So I went to a chiropractor on June 10th 2016 for minor aches and pains and message and he said I was gluten sensitive. Not the answer I was expecting. He said if I remove all gluten from my diet it will solve anything. All the aches and pains will go away. Not sure if it will or not but it is worth a try. He said check with a blood test. But test are not very accurate and are expensive. In few years I read more will come soon including one at the drug store for 10 bucks where its just a prick of the finger. But for now its not worth it.
But still excluding gluten completely for 30 days will tell if there is some difference. Even if I am not allergic if I feel better that is all that matters. I am not celiac. I have not officially tested but I don't have major issues like throwing up and all that. My problem is too much appetite overeating. And not enough fruits and vegees which I have to start adding.
And that is where the bloating, gas, and constipation comes from. Not from celiac or gluten. But still worth seeing what happens if I stop eating gluten for 30 days.
So I went on the 12th of June 2016 to a place called Pie Five and tried the gluten free crust. It was good and was one of the better ones I could actually stomach. I went to MOD Pizza before and the gluten free crsut was horrible and I could not eat it. So this was not bad. Other places have a gluten free also but this was one of the better ones. And this is close by so I just go here.