This is the proof my weight. The first two pictures (154.5 and 164.9) are from January 1st 2015. It goes in order by date there after. If I have any blanks it means I forgot to record my weight that day. Sometimes my weight fluctuated so there was more than 1 photo for a given day. Pictures 1 and 2, are from the same day. As I said it fluctuates sometimes. I will add more as time goes on.
This is upto the 27th. I went out of town to nyc to visit my sister on the 29th. I returned on the 10th of february and started taking pictures again on the 11th. I took some while there which I will share in thew food section "admin 8" but none of the weight existed while there. But I was 161.8 on the 27th of January and on the 11th of February I was 159.6 so I gained zero pounds. Actually lost some so not bad at all if you ask me.
Not sure why I stopped on the 15th but sine the root canal I took none. I have started again on the 1st of April 2015. I forgot to add 5th, 6th, and 7th. So I added blanks for those. But the rest are good. The blanks are so it goes in order visually and you don't get confused.
This was April 15-18. Not sure why I stopped inbetween.
And now is April 22nd to April 30th. Not sure why I stopped inbetween again.
And now is may 6th through May 21st. I accidentally deleted a May 1st up to May 5th when I was reorganizing my laptop and cleaning out my phone. Also I forgot to record May 8, 12th, and 15th. So those are blanks.